About Wildmon Group

Tim and Alison Wildmon have been leading tours for over three decades and have extensive experience in delivering quality and memorable trips to places like Washington, D.C.; Williamsburg, Virginia; Boston, Massachusetts, and Israel.

Tim Wildmon
Tim Wildmon

Tim Wildmon is president of American Family Association and American Family Radio. He is the host of the national radio program Today’s Issues, heard each weekday on 181 AFR stations. Tim appeared on The O'Reilly Factor and DaySide on Fox News and on CNN's Talk Back Live and American Morning. In addition, Tim has written guest editorials for USA Today and columns for Focus on the Family Magazine, as well as AFA’s own The Stand. He has also authored two books of short-story humor. Tim graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in journalism and has been married to Alison since 1984. They have three children and 11 grandchildren. Tim has led over 25 tours to the Holy Land and over 50 tours to Washington, D.C.

Wesley Wildmon
Wesley Wildmon

Wesley Wildmon serves as a vice president of American Family Association. He graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in business administration. Wesley frequently writes for AFA and cohosts the radio show, Today's Issues, each week on American Family Radio. He is on the board of directors for AFA Action, the government affairs affiliate of AFA. Wesley is married to Chelsea, and they have three children.

Walker Wildmon
Walker Wildmon

Walker Wildmon serves as a vice president of American Family Association and as a spokesperson for AFA and has been quoted by CNN, Fox News, and other major news outlets. He hosts "At the Core" each weekday on American Family Radio. He also serves as chief executive officer and a member of the board of directors of AFA Action. Walker graduated from Mississippi State University with a degree in Political Science. He calls Tupelo, Mississippi, home and is beginning to raise a family there. Walker and his wife, Lexie, are happily married with five children.

Stephen McDowell
Stephen McDowell

Stephen McDowell has helped Tim Wildmon lead tours to Washington, D.C. and Williamsburg, Virginia, for over 20 years. He is cofounder and president of the Providence Foundation, a nonprofit Christian educational organization whose mission is to spread liberty, justice, and prosperity among the nations by educating individuals in a biblical worldview. After obtaining a B.S. degree in physics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a M.S. degree in geology at the University of Memphis, he was ordained for the ministry in 1978, working in the pastorate until 1984 when he assisted in establishing the Providence Foundation, and since then has served as its president.

McDowell is the editor of the Providential Perspective and has authored or coauthored a dozen books, videos, and training courses, including America’s Providential History, In Search of Democracy, Liberating the Nations, In God We Trust Tour Guide, and The Story of America’s Liberty.

He has traveled to 40 states and over 15 nations in six continents, teaching tens of thousands of people from about 100 different countries. He has consulted with numerous government officials, assisted in writing political documents, aided in establishing political parties, and helped start a number of Christian schools. He lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, with his wife and four children.